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答:FAFSA(免费申请联邦学生援助)于10月10日开始. 1 for the following academic year, with the exception of the 2024-2025 FAFSA, which opens by Dec. 31, 2023. 你的FAFSA必须在每个学年的6月30日之前收到才能被考虑, however, the earlier you apply the greater your chances are for receiving a limited grant and/or federal work-study funds. When you complete the FAFSA, you are applying for federal, state and University assistance.  

A: Our Federal School Code is 003955. This code is required on the FAFSA 以便UWF接收结果.

A: In order to be eligible for financial aid, students must meet the following criteria:

  1. U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen; students who are on a temporary or student visa are not eligible for financial aid.
  2. 你必须被录取为攻读学位的学生.
  3. You cannot be in default on any prior student loans and do not owe a repayment on any Title IV financial aid.
  4. 你必须在规定的学时注册.

*This list is not exhaustive. 完整的资格要求可以在 studentaid.gov.

A: Complete the FAFSA online. You must re-apply every year.

A:为了即将到来的学年, 我们会在三月中旬开始给新生发奖状, 4月下旬转学生 所有其他学生将在五月初开始收到获奖信. 您将通过电子邮件收到所有获奖通知, 所以经常查看邮件是很重要的. 

A: No. 你可能是兼职学生,有资格获得经济援助. 不同的奖项有不同的录取标准. For example, Federal Direct Loans and Bright Futures require at least half-time enrollment. 所有学生都是全日制学生. 如果你改变注册计划, 必须立即通知财政援助和奖学金办公室, 如果有必要,我们会修改你的奖项.

A: Cost of Attendance 学生预算是否用于计算你是否有资格获得经济援助. 它包括学费的估计费用, books, housing, meals, 交通及其他个人费用. 请注意,出勤费用并不反映学生的实际费用, 而是估算或平均成本.

答:光明未来奖学金可能不会出现的原因有几个. 如果你今年刚从高中毕业, 你需要确保你已经完成了你的 光明期货/佛罗里达州申请 and that your scholarship has been posted with UWF's code 171 so that we can receive information from the state on your eligibility. We may not be able to process your Bright Futures scholarship until you take this step.

Also, 如果您是UWF的新学生, make sure that the Admissions Office has your residency information to document your Florida residency status, 因为这是佛罗里达光明期货授予的要求.

A. You may be eligible for financial aid in summer; however, summer aid is limited.  Please review the Summer Financial Aid page for more information.

A: Your financial aid maybe adjusted if you withdraw from a course during the semester. Please contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships prior to withdrawing to determine if you will be required to pay back funds and if the withdrawal will jeopardize your eligibility for future aid. Withdrawing may also affect your ability to maintain 令人满意的学业进展; please review our SAP Policy Basics and SAP Policy Details.

答:奖学金是经济援助计划中的一项资源. It is our policy to ensure that students are awarded for achievements and efforts by first applying these funds to any unmet need the student may have. If need has been met 100%, we will reduce your student loan and/or spring awards when possible. It is the responsibility of the student to notify the financial aid office of all outside scholarship awards.

A: An unsubsidized loan accrues interest during all periods, while a subsidized loan does not. The Department of Education pays the interest on a subsidized loan while you are in school at least half-time, during your grace period, and periods of deferment.

A: Repayment typically begins on student federal loans six months after graduation or after the student is no longer enrolled at least half-time. In all cases, loans must be repaid regardless of whether you complete the program or are satisfied with your educational experience. Failure to repay your loans can result in serious consequences and negatively impact your ability to obtain future credit. 如需其他/私人贷款,请与您的贷款人联系以获取还款信息.

答:根据联邦法规34 CFR 668的要求.16(g), 如果有人怀疑一个学生, employee, or another individual has misreported information or altered documentation to fraudulently obtain federal funds, these suspicions should be reported to the Office of Inspector General (OIG) with any evidence. 我们地区的地区办事处是亚特兰大,GA - (404) 974-9430. 全国热线电话是1-800-MIS-USED,邮箱地址是 oig.hotline@ed.gov. UWF工作人员将向监察长报告涉嫌欺诈行为.

A: Federal regulations dictate that financial aid only be awarded for courses that count toward the student’s degree. Additional courses, or non-required courses, are not funded and cannot be used to determine enrollment status and financial aid eligibility. You will need to speak with your Academic Advisor to see if the class is truly part of your current degree program.

答:复读课程规定适用于联邦财政援助接受者. Federal aid can be awarded to repeat a course one time (if you previously passed it); however, 一门课程第三次重播, 该课程不计入联邦财政援助资格. Please contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships if you must repeat a course (that you previously passed) for a 3rd time.

答:在威斯康星大学,我们知道学生贷款可能令人生畏. 这就是我们与inception合作的原因, 国家学生贷款计划的一个部门, to provide you with free assistance on your student loan obligations to ensure you feel comfortable and can be successful in your loan repayment. inception可能会打电话来帮助你在还款之旅的下一步. 他们友好的顾问会在那里帮助你的每一步. 趁你还在宽限期, they might reach out to you to answer questions you may have on your repayment options. 如果你拖欠贷款, 他们也可能会联系你,帮助你找到一个在你力所能及的范围内的解决方案. The Inceptia counselors are there to help you with every step by staying in touch with you via phone calls, letters, and/or emails. 他们不会向你收钱. Inceptia’s nonprofit purpose is to help you find answers to your questions and solutions to your issues. We encourage you to visit Inceptia学生贷款知识总部

A: The U.S. Department of Education (ED) has established regulations to prevent fraud and abuse in the Federal Pell Grant and Direct Loan Programs by identifying students with "unusual enrollment histories".  Some students who have an unusual enrollment history have legitimate reasons for their enrollment at multiple institutions. 然而,这样的入学历史需要财政援助办公室 & Scholarships to review your file in order to determine future Federal financial aid eligibility. 如果被教育署选中,你必须采取行动, 在你获得经济援助之前,我们必须审查并解决问题. 如果解决UEH需要文件,UWF将通过电子邮件通知您.